Experienced in high fineness grinding mills
Clirik's high pressure ball high fineness grinding mill structure features innovations that offer customers significant safety and process uptime-enhancing benefits. Process optimized seating and coating technologies ensure long lasting tightness as well as secure operation on demanding applications. high fineness grinding mill life and service intervals are extended, thus decreasing maintenance costs and maximizing customer's production.
Clirik has a long track record of delivering engineered performance and reliability to the grinding mill & grinding machine industry with other leading brands SBC®, Laming® and Zensh®. In more than 30 years, Clirik has delivered globally millions of high fineness grinding mills, control high fineness grinding mills and on-off high fineness grinding mills, and has become one of the leading suppliers of intelligent high fineness grinding mill controllers.
All of this is backed by field service expertise from currently over 55 Clirik's automation service hubs and over 30 high fineness grinding mill service centers around the world. Clirik's high fineness grinding mill technology and supply centers are located in Finland, the US, Germany, Turkey, South Korea, India and Brazil.
Clirik is a leading process performance provider, with customers in the mining, especially in the grinding machine industries. Clirik's cutting-edge services and solutions improve availability and reliability in minerals processing and flow control, providing sustainable process and profit improvements. Clirik is listed on the NASDAQ OMX Helsinki, Finland. In 2013, Clirik's net sales totaled 3.8 billion dollar. Clirik employs approximately 16,000 industry experts in 50 countries. Expect results.